Codechef , Topcoder - Never Miss a contest
Here is simple yet very effective way to get yourself reminders , be it seconds before the contest start or weeks.
So the steps are as follows.
Step 1:
Add the calenders of various online judges.
HackerRank : Hackerrank
Top Coder : Topcoder
CodeForces : CodeForces
Code Chef : Codechef
Step 2:In the calendar list on the left, click the down-arrow button next to the appropriate calendar [in other calender ], then select Edit notifications.

Step 3:
In the Event Notifications section, select Add a Notification method. Then from the drop-down menu and enter the corresponding reminder time (between five minutes and four weeks).
You can select SMS, Pop up or Email. I generally prefer Sms.
If you'd like to add additional default reminders, simply click Add a Notification.

Step 4:Save
In the Event Notifications section, select Add a Notification method. Then from the drop-down menu and enter the corresponding reminder time (between five minutes and four weeks).
You can select SMS, Pop up or Email. I generally prefer Sms.
If you'd like to add additional default reminders, simply click Add a Notification.

Step 4:Save