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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Codechef , Topcoder - Never Miss a contest

 Codechef , Topcoder - Never Miss a contest 

Ever felt you have a bad memory and tend to forget things way to Fast. Specially if you are a geek and you have lots of stuff to do, you tend to miss out on coding contest on various online sites and that affects your ranking.

Here is simple yet very effective way to get yourself reminders , be it seconds before the contest start or weeks.

So the steps are as follows.

Step 1:
Add the calenders of various online judges.

HackerRank : Hackerrank
Top Coder : Topcoder
CodeForces : CodeForces
Code Chef : Codechef

Step 2:In the calendar list on the left, click the down-arrow button next to the appropriate calendar [in other calender ], then select Edit notifications.

Step 3:
In the Event Notifications section, select Add a Notification method. Then from the drop-down menu and enter the corresponding reminder time (between five minutes and four weeks).

You can select SMS, Pop up or Email. I generally prefer Sms.

If you'd like to add additional default reminders, simply click Add a Notification.

Step 4:Save